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Тема: Единая картина мира

  1. #1

    Единая картина мира

    Посмотрел фильм "Единая картина мира", очень интересно. Очень понятно сделан. Только одного не понял: почему мы - души ушли от АБСОЛЮТА? И почему, когда мы вернемся к АБСОЛЮТУ не случится то же самое?
    Последний раз редактировалось Враджендра Кумар дас; 07.03.2011 в 01:56.

  2. #2
    Пользователь Array Аватар для Враджендра Кумар дас
    День рождения
    Как автор этого фильма могу дать краткий комментарий. При создании фильма в нашу задачу не входило освещение всех деталей, т.к. фильм предназначен для широкой аудитории людей, только начинающих свой духовный путь. Правильное или неправильное использование своей свободы выбора - это уже более тонкий момент и понимание его приходит не сразу.

    Ниже приводится цитата из недавно изданной книги Шрилы Прабхупады "В поисках просветления", где ясно описывается природа нашего "падения" в этот мир. Это падение подобно мимолетному забвению или короткому сну.

    В этой лекции Шрила Прабхупада объясняет, что на самом деле наше место — в духовном мире, с Кришной, и то ужасное состояние, в котором мы оказались в материальном мире, мы создали сами, подобно тому как во сне в уме человека порой могут возникать страшные картины. Отвечая на наше желание, Кришна дал нам возможность забыть о Нем (апрель 1972 года, Токио).

    шрй-шука увача атма-майам рте раджан
    парасйанубхаватманах на гхатетартха-самбандхах
    свапна-драштур иванджаса

    • Шри Шукадева Госвами сказал: О царь, если бы не влияние энергии Верховной Личности Бога, зачем было бы душе, обладающей чистым сознанием, связывать себя с материальным телом? Эта связь подобна сну, в котором спящий видит, как действует его тело» (Бхаг., 2.9.1).

    Шрила Прабхупада:
    Многие люди допытываются: «Как могло живое существо пасть в материальный мир, если оно находилось рядом с Кришной?» Ответ на этот вопрос содержится в данном стихе. Падение живого существа происходит из-за влияния материальной энергии Господа. На самом деле душа не падает. Приводится такой пример: когда мимо луны проплывают облака, кажется, что она движется. На самом же деле она стоит на месте. Так и душа, являясь духовной искрой Верховного Господа, никогда не падает. Однако она думает: «Я упала; я материальна; я — тело».

    Душа никак не связана с телом. Мы можем в этом легко убедиться. Тело проходит через ряд изменений, а затем умирает, но я остаюсь тем же самым. Мысль о том, что мы связаны с телом, появляется из-за влияния иллюзорной энергии Кришны. Эта энергия вступает в действие, когда мы забываем о Кришне.
    Иными словами, наше ложное отождествление себя с телом — следствие того, что мы забыли о Господе. Мы хотели забыть Кришну, покинуть Его, чтобы наслаждаться материальным миром, и Кришна предоставил нам такую возможность. Например, если вы играете в спектакле и действительно ощущаете себя царем, вы сможете сыграть очень хорошо. Но если вы думаете: «Я — Карандхара*», вы не сможете убедительно сыграть роль царя. Вы должны ощущать себя царем. Если вы играете роль царя, вы должны верить в то, что вы — царь, иметь силу духа царя. Вы должны забыть о том, что вы — Карандхара* (имя одного из присутствовавших на лекции учеников). Тогда вы сыграете очень хорошо, и зрители это оценят. Но если вы думаете: «Я, Карандхара, играю роль царя», ваша игра не будет достаточно убедительной.

    Итак, поскольку мы хотели играть роль Кришны, верховного наслаждающегося, Кришна дал нам такую возможность: «Хорошо, почувствуйте себя Мной». Это чувство: «Я повелитель, я царь, я Кришна, я Бог» — создано Кришной: «Ладно, если хотите играть роль царя, Я научу вас».

    Задача режиссера заключается в том, чтобы вы прочувствовали роль. Однажды в молодости я играл Адвайту Ачарью в пьесе о Господе Чайтанье. Наш постановщик,

    Наш режиссер Амритлал Бозе, все время твердил мне: «Почувствуй себя Адвайтой Ачарьей». Благодаря его усилиям мне удалось так хорошо сыграть эту роль, что все зрители в зале плакали. Хотя сама пьеса была довольно поверхностной, она произвела сильное впечатление на публику.

    Точно так же у нас нет ничего общего с материальным миром, но иллюзорная энергия приучила нас думать: "Я индиец», «Я американец», «Я интеллектуал», «Я простой рабочий», «Я то», «Я это», «Я должен делать то-то", " У меня столько обязанностей». Все это различные виды иллюзии. Мы не имеем ничего общего со всей этой чепухой, но относимся к ней очень серьезно: «Я должен действовать так-то и так-то. Я то, я это».
    Здесь объясняется: атма-майам рте раджан нубхаватманах. «Если бы не влияние энергии Личности Бога, зачем было бы душе, обладающей чистым сознанием, связывать себя с материальным телом?" Во сне человек может закричать: «Тигр! Тигр! Спасите!» Если рядом находится кто-то бодрствующий, он удивится: « Какой тигр? Чего ты кричишь?» Однако спящий действительно убежден в том, что на него напал тигр.
    В этом стихе приводится пример сна: на гхатета самбандхах свапна-драштур иванджаса. Невозможно объяснить связь души с телом иначе, как уподобить ее сну,
    в котором человек создает воображаемую ситуацию. Ему снится тигр, и он испытывает страх. На самом деле бояться нечего — никакого тигра нет. Это всего лишь сон.

    Точно так же мы создали материальный мир и материальную деятельность. Люди постоянно поглощены суетой: «О, я управляющий; я владелец завода; я то, я это; мы знаем его политику; нам нужно обойти конкурентов». Все это подобно сну — свапна-драштур иванджаса.

    Итак, если кто-то спрашивает: «Когда мы соприкоснулись с материальной природой?», ответ состоит в том, что мы с ней не соприкасались. Под влиянием внешней энергии мы лишь думаем, что связаны с ней. В действительности мы не падали. Мы не можем пасть. Мы лишь создали ситуацию, в которой думаем, будто пали. На самом деле эту ситуацию создал Кришна. Мы хотели подражать Ему, и Он дал нам такую возможность: «Хотите подражать Мне? Хотите изображать царя на сцене? Хорошо. Почувствуйте себя царем. Люди будут вам аплодировать: „О, какой хороший царь!"».

    Каждый в материальном мире хочет играть какую-то роль. «Я хочу быть премьер-министром». «Я хочу быть крупным магнатом». «Я хочу быть начальником». «Я хочу быть философом». «Я хочу быть ученым». Люди пытаются играть эти роли, и Кришна предоставляет им такую возможность: «Хорошо, играйте».

    Однако все эти роли — бессмыслица. Просто сон. Как только вы просыпаетесь, всё, что было во сне, исчезает. Нет никакого тигра и никаких джунглей. Точно так же, пока существует тело, душа может думать: «Я важный начальник. Я то, я это», но, когда телу приходит конец, все эти представления исчезают.

    Шри Кришна говорит: мртйух сарва-хараш чахам — «Я всепоглощающая смерть». Подумайте о своей прошлой жизни, представьте, что вы были царем или кем-то вроде того. На основании «Бхригу-самхиты» было установлено, что в прошлой жизни я был известным врачом с безупречным характером и не совершил ни одного греха. Не знаю, может быть и так, но я об этом ничего не помню. Что же мы знаем? Я мог быть известным врачом с хорошей практикой, но где все это сейчас? Все ушло в небытие.
    Наша связь с материей подобна сну. Мы не падали. Поэтому в любой момент мы можем восстановить свое сознание Кришны. Мы обретем освобождение, как только поймем: «Я не имею ничего общего с материей. Я просто вечный слуга Кришны». Порой, когда кошмар становится невыносим, мы просыпаемся. Точно так же мы в любой момент можем разорвать свою связь с материей, стоит лишь пробудить в себе сознание Кришны. «Да, Кришна — мой вечный господин, а я — Его слуга». Вот и всё. Таков путь. Большое спасибо.
    Что касается гарантий того, что это не произойдет снова, то почитайте Бхагавад-гиту 8.15, где Кришна говорит: "Вернувшись ко Мне, великие души, достигшие наивысшего совершенства в бхакти-йоге, никогда не отправятся снова в этот временный, полный страданий материальный мир." Это гарантия Кришны.
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  3. #3
    Спасибо за ссылку на лекцию, Враджендра Кумар прабху. Оказалась очень интересной.
    Решил выложить сюда весь текст, так как он весь довольно интересен.
    Prabhup?da: It is a very important question. Par?k?it Mah?r?ja inquired... Many people inquired that "How the living entity was with K???a, he became fallen in this material world?" Is not done? This question is raised? So this question is answered here, that "How the living entity who was with K???a became fallen down in contact with this material qualities?" So this is the answer. Read the translation.
    Karandhara: "?r? ?ukadeva Gosv?m? said: O king, unless one is influenced by the energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead..."
    Prabhup?da: It is simply the influence of the material energy, nothing. Actually he has not fallen. Another example given is given. Just like the moon is covered with scattered cloud, the passing cloud. You have seen. Everyone has experience. The cloud passes, and it appears that the moon is moving. Have you seen this?
    Devotees: Yes.
    Prabhup?da: Actually the moon is not moving. It is a m?y?, illusion. It appears that the moon is moving. But similarly, the living entity, because he is spiritual spark of the Supreme, it has not fallen. It has not fallen. But he is thinking, "I am fallen. I am material." That is the reason. He is thinking, "I am this body." Actually the body has no connection with me. That is experienced, that the body has no connection with the soul. The body is changing, dying. But I am the same. The same example, the moon: The cloud is passing over in different way. The moon is far away from the cloud, and it has nothing to do with the cloud, but it appears the moon is moving. [break] Try to understand. Have questions and answer. It is very important thing. ?tma-m?y?m ?te r?jan. Except ?tma-m?y?, the illusory energy... It is the maneuver or handling of the illusory energy of K???a. This illusory energy develops when we forget K???a. That's all. It is... In other words, this illusory identification of me with the body is simply due to my forgetfulness. We wanted to forget, we wanted to give up K???a and wanted to enjoy this material world. Therefore K???a is giving us...
    Just like when you play some part in a drama, if you feel that "I am king," then you can talk very nicely. And if you feel that "I am Karandhara," then you cannot play nicely king. Is it not? Feeling must be there. If you are playing the part of a king, then you must have the same courage and belief that "I am king." You have to forget that you are Karandhara. Then your part will be very nicely played. It will be appreciated. But if you think simultaneously that "I am Karandhara. I am taking, playing the part of the king," then you cannot play. So because we wanted to play the part of K???a, enjoyer, K???a is giving us chance that "You feel like Me."—"I am king. I am K???a. I am God." (laughter) All these rascals, those who are feeling like that, "I am master. I am king. I am K???a. I am God," they are all simply in that feeling only. That's all. And this feeling is created by K???a: "All right. You want to play the part of a king. I shall train you in such a way." Just like director means, dramatic director means, he creates a feeling. His direction is nothing but how to feel.
    Sometimes we played in our younger age Caitanya-l?l?. I introduced. And one big director, Amrtalal Chosa, he was just like grandfather. He was one of the, just like in England Shakespeare and others, big, big dramatic, well-known persons. This Amrtalal Chosa and Girish Chandra Chosa, they introduced in India theatric... So we called him to give us direction. He was giving us direction, and repeatedly he was telling that "You feel like that," especially to me. "You feel like that." So actually, when we played according to his direction, the audience were all crying. And we could not understand how they cried. We could not understand. On the stage when we played, it was so perfect that all audience were crying. Actually we saw they were smearing over their eyes with... But the whole thing is artificial, but the effect to the audience became so nice. So similarly, we are... Actually we have nothing to do with this material world, But we have been trained by the illusory energy in such a way that we are thinking, "I am Indian. I am American. I am this. I am that. I am br?hma?a. I am ??dra. I have to do this. I have got so much duty," all these illusions, simply thinking. We have nothing to do with all this nonsense, but still, we are taking it very serious. "I have to do like that. I have to do like that. I am this. I am that." That's all. That is explained. ?tma-m?y?m ?te r?jan: "Except the influence of that ?tm?-m?y?, the illusory energy of K???a..." ?tma-m?y?. Read. ?tma-m?y?m ?te r?jan parasy?nu. Read it?
    Karandhara: Parasy?nubhav?tmana?.
    Prabhup?da: Parasy?nubhav?tmana?. Na gha?eta artha-sambandha. There cannot be any relation at all. Na gha?eta. Cannot be. Artha sambandha?. Svapna-dra??ur iv??jas?. The very exact example is given, svapna-dra??u?. Just like a man seeing dream: "Oh, there is tiger, tiger, tiger, tiger! Save me!" He is crying. Another man is, "Where is tiger? Why you are crying? Where is tiger?" But he, in the dream, he is actually feeling: "The tiger has attacked me." Therefore this example is given, na gha?et?rtha-sambandha?. There cannot be any meaning of this relationship excep===============================t like a man dreaming and he is creating a situation. He is dreaming there is a tiger and he is creating a situation, fearful situation. Actually there is no cause of fear. There is no tiger. That situation is created by dream. Actually there is no tiger. Similarly we have created this material world and activity. People are running, "Oh..., sonh, sonh, sonh, sonh, sonh, sonh, sonh," identifying that "Oh, I am the manager. I am the factory owner. I am this, I am that. We have got his politics. We have to defeat such competitors." All these things are created exactly like that, svapna-dra??ur iv??jas?, just like a man is creating his particular situation simply by dream. That's all.
    So the answer is, when somebody asks you that "When one has become in contact with this material nature?" He has not become in contact. He is thinking by the influence of the external energy. Just like the same example: A man is dreaming; there is no contact with tiger. Actually he has no contact with that. Similarly, actually we are not fallen. We cannot be fallen. But we have created a situation that we are, become... Try to understand understand. It is very important point. We have simply created a situation. We have not created a situation, K???a has given us a situation. Because we wanted to imitate K???a, so K???a has given an opportunity: "All right. Imitate. You want to be imitation king in the stage. So feel like this. Play like this. Do like this. People will applaud. 'Oh, a very nice king, very nice.' " That is the... So everyone in this material world, they are playing some part. They wanted, "I want to be prime minister." "All right." "I want to become very big business magnate." "I want to be leader." "I want to be a philosopher." "I want to be a scientist." So all this nonsense, they are trying to play—K???a is giving him the opportunity: "All right." But it is a nonsense, all nonsense. Simple dreaming. Just like you are dreaming. Next moment when the dream is gone, everything is finished. No more tiger, no more jungle, no more... Everything is finished. Similarly, so long this body is continuing, I am thinking, "I am a responsible leader, I am this, I am that." But as soon as this body is finished, oh, these are (indistinct) gone.
    Sarva-hara? c?ham. The death means... K???a says, "I am death. I take it away, all, everything. Gone." Now just think of our past life. Suppose I was a king or something like that. From Bh?gu-sa?hit? it was ascertained. They said—I do not know—that I was a big physician in my last life, very spotless character, no sins, like that. He explained me. So it may be. But actually I have no remembrance that I was a physician. So what do we know? I might have been a very big physician, influential physician, having a good practice, but where is all...? All gone. So this situation, our contact with matter, is just like dream. Actually we are not fallen. Therefore, because we are not fallen, at any moment we can revive our K???a consciousness. As soon as we understand that, "I have nothing to do with. I am simply K???a's servant. Eternal servant. That's all," immediately he becomes liberated. Exactly like that: as soon as you... Sometimes we do that. When the fearful dreaming becomes too much intolerable, we break the dream. We break the dream when it becomes intolerable. Similarly, we can break this material connection at any moment as soon as we come to the point of K???a conscious. "Oh, K???a is my eternal master. I am His servant." That's all. This is the way. Actually we are not fallen. There cannot be any fallen. The same example: Actually there is no tiger; it is dreaming. Similarly, our fallen condition is also dreaming. We are not fallen. We can simply give up that illusory condition at any moment. At any moment. So if you study all these verses very nicely, you get all this knowledge quickly. Now what is the purport? Come on.
    Karandhara: "The spirit soul is distinct from the material conception of his life."
    Prabhup?da: Yes. Distinct. Always distinct. Next?
    Karandhara: "But he is absorbed in such a material conception because of being influenced by the external energy of the Lord, called ?tma-m?y?. This is already explained in the First Canto in connection with Vy?sadeva's realization of the Supreme Lord and His external energy. The external energy is controlled by the Lord and the living entities are controlled by the external energy."
    Prabhup?da: K???a says, m?m eva ye prapadyante m?y?m et?? taranti te: [Bg. 7.14] "As soon as one surrenders unto Me, he has no more illusion." M?y?m eta? taranti. Immediately. So people are conditioned, encaged. So many big, big words The M?y?v?d?s, they are undergoing austerities or penances just to become liberated. Yogis, they are also trying to become one. So many endeavors are going on. But the simple process is, as soon as you surrender, that you are not fallen, "It was illusion. I was dreaming. I am K???a's," finished. All gone. "I am K???a's. I am K???a's eternal servant. These are all nonsense"—he immediately becomes liberated. Just try to understand. Immediately, within a second. Liberation can be attained within a second, provided we abide by the order of K???a. Sarva-dharm?n parityajya m?m eka? ?ara?a? vraja [Bg. 18.66]. This is the position. We are not fallen. We are thinking fallen. So we have to give up this nonsense thinking. Then we are liberated. There is no Is there any difficulty to understand? Just see how important this verse. It is already there, but you are not reading. Each verse, read every day carefully. Try to assimilate, understand, and you will get more profit, every day, hundred yards forward, hundred yards forward, yes. They are so important verses. How nicely composed by Vy?sadeva. In two lines the whole thing is explained. This is called ??stra. In two lines. Then read the purport.
    Karandhara: "The external energy is controlled by the Lord and the living entities are controlled by the external energy by the will of the Lord. Therefore, although the living entity is purely conscious in his pure state, he is subordinate to the will of the Lord, being influenced by the external energy of the Lord. In the Bhagavad-g?t? also the same thing is confirmed, that the Lord is present within the heart of every living entity and all consciousness and forgetfulness of the living entity are influenced by the Lord."
    Prabhup?da: Yes. Because... Now, people may say that, "Why K???a within the heart gives one type of consciousness to one, and another type of consciousness...?" Because I wanted. I wanted to forget K???a, so K???a is giving consciousness: "All right, you can forget Me in this way." That is His kindness. Just like the M?y?v?d?s, the so-called yogis and karm?s, they wanted to forget. K???a is giving him intelligence. "All right. You forget Me like this." That's all. Go on. And if you want to again revive your relationship, K???a will give you intelligence. Buddhi-yoga? dad?mi ta? yena m?m upay?nti te: "I shall give intelligence." So K???a is... Ye yath? m?? prapadyante [Bg. 4.11]. As you want, K???a gives you facility. Go on.
    Karandhara: "Now the next question will automatically be made as to why the Lord influences the living entity to such consciousness and forgetfulness. The answer is that the Lord clearly wishes that every living entity be engaged in his pure consciousness as the part and parcel of the Lord, and thus be engaged in loving service of the Lord as he is constitutionally made. But because the living entity is partially independent also, he may not be willing to serve the Lord, but may try to become independent as the Lord is. The whole nondevotee class of living entities are all desirous of becoming equally as powerful as the Lord, although they are not fit to become so. The living entities are..."
    Prabhup?da: They will never be God, but we see so many persons. By the influence of the illusory energy they think, "I am God. I am God. I shall become God by pressing my nose like this, doing this." So this is going on. They will never be able. That is not possible. Otherwise, there is no meaning of God. If everyone can become God, then there is no meaning of God. But by influence of... Just like karm?s are saying "I shall become millionaire. I shall become trillionaire. I shall become head of the state. I shall become prime minister." This struggle, this is another struggle: "I shall become God." This is another struggle. But it is illusion. It is illusion. So K???a gives them opportunity, some yogic success. Just like in India there is a rascal. He makes like that, and there is immediately some gold. And people become after him: "Oh, he is God. He is God." By producing a little gold, he becomes God. Another yogi, he gives immediately two rasagull?. So by producing two rasagull?, four annas' worth, he becomes God. You see? This is illusion. These rascals, they do not know that, "What is this rasagull?, two rasagull?? I can purchase from the market for four annas. So he is becoming God by four annas?" But they have no sense. "Oh, he is God. He can produce rasagull?." Rasagull? I can produce in our kitchen. But they are so rascal. "Oh, wonderful." So the yogic siddhis... So K???a gives him some power of yogic siddhi and he thinks that "I have become God," and some flatterers, they also think, "Oh, you are God." The same dream. And as soon as death comes, everything finished, your Godhood and everything finished. Now becomes doghood, come to the stage of doghood. Again, another dream: "I am dog." First of all "I am God," then next stage, "I am dog." This is going on. Therefore Bhaktivinoda ?h?kura said, keno m?y?r bo?e j?ccho bhese': "Why you are being washed away by the waves of m?y?? Just fix up. Stand up." J?v k???a-d?s ei vi?w?s korle to ?r du?kho n?i. You simply remain fixed up on this standpoint, that, "I am eternal servant of K???a." Then there is no more dream. And if you allow yourself to be washed away, K???a gives you facility, "All right, come on. Be washed away." Then?
    Karandhara: "The living entities are illusioned by the will of the Lord because they wanted to become like Him."
    Prabhup?da: Yes.
    Karandhara: "As a person thinks of becoming a king without possessing the necessary qualifications, similarly, when the living entity desires to become the Lord Himself, he is put in a condition of dreaming that he is a king. Therefore the first sinful will of the living entity is to become the Lord, and the consequent will of the Lord is that the living entity forgets his actual life and thus dreams of the land of utopia where he may become one like the Lord. The child cries to have the moon from the mother and the mother gives the child a mirror to satisfy the crying and disturbing child with the shadow of the moon. Similarly the crying child of the Lord is given over to the shadow of the material world to lord it over as a karm? and to give this up in frustration to become one with the Lord. Both these stages are dreaming illusions only. There is no necessity of tracing out the history when the living entity desired this, but the fact is that as soon as he desired such, he was put under the control of ?tma-m?y? by the direction of the Lord. Therefore the living entity in his material condition is dreaming falsely that this is 'mine' and this is 'I.' The dream is that the conditioned soul thinks of his material body as 'I' or falsely thinks that he is the lord and that everything in connection with the material body is 'mine.' Thus in dream only the misconception of 'I and mine' persist life after life. This continues life after life as long as the living entity is not purely conscious of his identity as the subordinate part and parcel of the Lord. In his pure consciousness, however, there is no such misconceived dream. And in that pure conscious state the living entity does not forget that he is never the Lord, but he is eternally the servitor of the Lord in transcendental love."
    Prabhup?da: That's all.
    Devotees: All glories to you ?r?la Prabhup?da. (offer obeisances)
    Trivikrama: ?r?la Prabhup?da? You were just saying that we are not fallen. Actually this is an illusion thinking that we are fallen. Yet I read...
    Prabhup?da: The same example. In dream I am not attacked by the tiger, but I am thinking, "Oh, tiger is there." It is simply dreaming condition.
    Trivikrama: But so many Vai??avas are praying...
    Prabhup?da: So as soon as you understand that "This is not... I am not in contact with tiger. It is all a dream," then you are delivered. Similarly, as soon as you understand, "All this material condition of life we are simply dreaming; I am actually servant of K???a," then you are liberated. That is K???a conscious. If you keep in K???a consciousness, that "I am eternal servant of K???a," then you are liberated. Sa gu??n samat?tyait?n brahma-bh?yaa kalpate [Bg. 14.26], K???a says. Immediately brahma-bh?ta?. Brahma-bh?ta? prasann?tm? na ?ocati na k??k?ati [Bg. 18.54]. He has no more lamentation, no more hankering. Sama? sarve?u bh?te?u. He can see everyone on equal vision. Because he knows, "Here is also another living entity." He is not a Chinaman. He is a part and parcel of God. He is not a Christian. He is not a Hindu. He is simply thinking like that. So give him K???a consciousness. That is real benefit, to bring him to the original position. Yes?
    Cint?ma?i: If, when we realize K???a, then we have no more desire, then how can we desire...
    Prabhup?da: You create desire. If you simply keep this contact with K???a, then there is no more any other desire than to serve K???a. That's all.
    Trivikrama: This feeling that we have, that we are fallen, that we are very fallen...
    Prabhup?da: That is also illusion. That is also illusion. You are fallen means you have got some certain desires except service of K???a. Therefore the conclusion is that if you keep yourself tightly in K???a's service, there is no question of falling down or there is no question of m?y?. You see?
    Devotee: Even at that state, still the body is affected by the modes of nature. We are experiencing desires.
    Prabhup?da: You are not experiencing. Your body is experiencing. You are feeling cold due to this body. You are not feeling cold. You are not feeling cold.
    Devotee: But I think I am feeling cold.
    Prabhup?da: You are thinking. That is illusion. That is illusion.
    Devotee: So rise above that.
    Prabhup?da: Yes. But not artificially, but this is the fact. You have to gradually rise to that platform. The fact is this. Just like when you are feverish, actually you are healthy, but it has come. So in the feverish condition you are thinking, "I am now feverish." But this feverish will not, condition, will not stay. You will come to the healthy stage. Therefore don't be disturbed with the feverish condition. Go on with your duty. Don't misidentify, "Now I have become feverish. Everything is finished." No. That is external. It has come; it will go. That is given in the Bhagavad-g?t?. M?tr?-spar??s tu kaunteya ??to??a-sukha-du?kha-d?? [Bg. 2.14]. Just like seasonal changes. Sometimes it is very hot, sometimes very cold, sometimes warm. So these are coming and going. So if there is some feeling of pain and pleasure, simply just tolerate it, but don't be absorbed in that thought. That's all. Therefore titik?ava. The first symptoms of a saintly person is titik?ava, tolerant. Tolerant. So go on reading, go on understanding. Everything will be clear.
    Что касается гарантий того, что это не произойдет снова, то почитайте Бхагавад-гиту 8.15, где Кришна говорит: "Вернувшись ко Мне, великие души, достигшие наивысшего совершенства в бхакти-йоге, никогда не отправятся снова в этот временный, полный страданий материальный мир." Это гарантия Кришны.
    Просто добавить.
    На сколько я помню, в Диалектическом Спиритуализме Шриле Прабхупада объясняет это, утверждая, что возвращаться тебе не придется. Но если вдруг захочется - вернешься. Никто свободу выбора у тебя не отберет. Правда, захочешь ли ты ее снова использовать неправильно? При этом на одной из лекций он так же ответил на подобный вопрос, что еще пока никто не возвращался.

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